MALONE Timothy Daniel
34th Bn
Date of death:01/07/1917
Service n°:1482
Son of Timothy and Catherine Malone;
Husband of Mary Elizabeth Malone,of 29 Alexander St.
Native of Leichardt,Vic
Grave reference:V.A.29
MANSFIELD Henry Charles
12th Bat Machine Gun
Lance Corporal
KIA 6 May 1917 Bullecourt
Born 8th of March 1895
Son of Robert Mansfield and Ann Martha Harman
of Don,near Devonport(Tasmania
Cemetery:Queant Road Cemetery
Specialy honored in April 2014 by Isobel Cameron
(The Frank Macdonald memorial prize)
MARGETTS Ivor Stephen
MARGETTS, IVOR STEPHEN Son of Stephen Ward Margetts and Charlotte Margetts, of Wynyard, Tasmania. Born at Launceston, Tasmania. Memorial: VILLERS-BRETONNEUX MEMORIAL

“Captains Margetts and Vowles themselves went forward later,and,findingall clear,Vowles
went back for the companies while Margetts waited and chose the site for the new
trenches.While thusengaged,Capt Margetts was killed at about 10 p.m. by shrapnel
shell,his death being a great blow to the Battalion
He was universallyliked,andwhilst holding the appointment of Adjutant had become well- known
to the men of all companies.he had had a splendid record on Gallipoli and was the only officer
of the 3rd brigade who was on the Peninsula as an officer for the whole seven months.”
extract from”the story of the Twelfth”by L.M.Newton
William Charles Meldrum
Service number: 5476
Rank: Gunner [Gnr]
Unit: 4th Heavy and Medium Trench Mortar Battery Field Artillery
Service: Army
Conflict: 1914-1918
Date of death: 3 May 1917
Cemetery or memorial details: Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, France
War Grave Register notes: MELDURM, Gnr. William Charles, 5476. 4th Heavy and Medium T. M. Battery Field Artillery. 3rd May, 1917. Age 28. Son of James and Ellen Elizabeth Meldrum, of Fife, Gordon Rd., Chatswood, New South Wales. Born at Tumbarumba. New South Wales.
Aust. H.T.M.Battery. Meldrum.
4th Div. W. C. 5476.
(& 11 others, for full list of names see F.Birmingham’s report)
“Missing 3.5.17″
We were in action near Bullecourt on May 3rd in the open near a Railway Embankment. Close by was a ;arge dump of bombs into the middle of which the Germans dropped a shell. The dump went up, and all the above men, with several British Tommies, went up with it too. I knew all of our men who were killed, but it was impossible to identify remains after the explosion. I Wan within a yard or two of Dwyer when the dump went up, and escaped ,yself though I was buried for a time. I am positive that every one of the above men were killed by the explosion.
Informants- Gunner F.N.Boon 2709 4th Div.T.PT
I was close by when the dump of bombs went up, and corroborate the statement made by Gnr.Boon that all the men shown as missing on the 3rd May were killed by the explosion. They were all close to the
dump at the time and were never seen again after the shell pitched into it and set the bombs off. It was impossible to identify the remains afterwards. Informant :Gnr.Stephens 2020
London. 2nd Army Rest Camp,Boulogne.
MILLER Charles Frederick
MOON Rupert Vance
MURRAY Henry William
NELSON Charles
Malcolm Alexander Neville
Rank: Private
Unit: 48th Battalion (Infantry)
Service: Army
Conflict: 1914-1918
Date of death: 11 April 1917 Bullecourt
Cemetery or memorial details: London Cemetery and Extension, Longueval, France
War Grave Register notes: NEVILLE, Pte. Malcolm Alexander, 2214. 48th Bn. 11th April, 1917.
Age 28. Son of William and Robertina Neville, of Wilkawatt, South Australia. Born at Adelaide.

Service number: 1713
Rank: Private
Unit: 48th Battalion (Infantry)
Service: Army
Conflict: 1914-1918
Date of death: 12 January 1917
Cause of death: Killed in action
Cemetery or memorial details: FRANCE 307 Bancourt British Cemetery
War Grave Register notes: ORAM, Pte. John, 1713. 48th Bn. Australian Inf. Killed in action 12th Jan., 1917. Age 27. Son of Frederick John and Ann Oram, of Emu Downs, South Australia. X. C. 20.
OSBORNE Arthur Samuel

PARRY Claude Herbert


POPE Charles

At Louverval,France on 15th April1917, Lieut. POPE was in charge of the centre picquet post of the right sector held by the 11th Battalion..The stronght of his picquet was one officer,3NCO’s and 30 men.
Lieut.POPE had been ordered to hold this post at all costs, as it was an important one.
The post was heavily attacked on the morning of the 15th April, when a German attack was made on the line held by the 1st Australian division.
The Germans ,in greatly superior numbers, surrounded the post, and Lieut POPE found himself running short of ammunition. He sent back for this, but before it could arrive
He made a gallant and determined attack upon the enemy with the bayonet. His Party was seen to fix bayonets and charge into a superior force of the enemy, by whom it was overpowered.*
Lieut. POPE by his sacrifice , not only inflicted heavy loss on the enemy, but held the position as ordered t, to the last.
Lieut.POPE’s body was found, with those of most of his men, and eighty dead Germans around
The post were evidence of the gallant resistance he had made.
Major -General
Commanding 1st Australian Division

RANSON Lindsay Stewart

HUGHES Melville Rule

Hugh Robert Vincent Ryan

Service number: 2865
Rank: Private [Pte]
Unit: 3rd Battalion Australian Infantry
Service: Army
Conflict: 1914-1918
Date of death: 21 September 1918
Cause of death: Killed in action
Cemetery or memorial details: FRANCE 1462 Hargicourt Communal Cemetery Extension
War Grave Register notes: RYAN, Pte. Hugh Robert Vincent, 2865. 3rd Bn. Australian Inf. Killed in action 21st Sept., 1918. Age 21. Son of Patrick James and Anna Bella Ryan, of 60, Margaret St., Mayfield East, New South Wales. B. 17.
SADLER John William

SAYER Charles Georges

SCARR Frank Sydney

SCOTT Herbert

Private [Pte]
Service Number :7561
Unit :5th Bn Australian Inf
Date of Death :8 June 1918
Killed in action
Cemetery or Memorial Details: FRANCE 25 La Kreule Military Cemetery Hazebrouck
SCOTT, Pte. Herbert, 7561. 5th Bn. Australian Inf. Killed in action 8th June, 1918. Son of William and Kathleen Scott. Native of Gundigi, New South Wales. I. D. 24.
SHEEHY Thomas Francis

SHEIL Francis James Murray
Francis James Murray Sheil
Gunner [Gnr]
Service Number 1707
4th Bde Australian Field Artillery
Date of Death 20 April 1917
Cause of Death Died of wounds
Vaulx Australian Field Ambulance Cemetery
SHEIL, Gnr. Francis James Murray, 1707.
4th Bde. Australian Field Artillery. Age 26.
Son of John Thomas and Mary Isabella Sheil,
of Glen Lorne, Mittagong, New South Wales. B. 5.

SMYTHE Herbert Andrew

SOUTH Frank Joseph

TARRANT Jack Edward Leigh

Nationality: Australian
Rank: Private
Regiment/Service: Australian Infantry, A.I.F.
Unit Text: 25th Bn.
Date of Death: 03/05/1917
Service No: 5655
VENN John Henry

VENN Mathew Sylias

WHITE Fréderic Cecil

WHITE John James

WHITEHEAD Albert Meadows

lbert Meadows Whitehead
Rank Private [Pte]
Service Number 3963
Unit 23rd Bn Australian Inf
Conflict 1914-1918
Date of Death 20 March 1917
Cause of Death Killed in action
Cemetery or Memorial Details FRANCE 1484 Vaulx Hill Cemetery
War Grave Register Notes WHITEHEAD, Pte. Albert Meadows, 3963.
23rd Bn. Australian Inf.
Killed in action 20th March, 1917. Age 23.
Son of William and Jane Whitehead, of Towong, Victoria, Australia.
Born at Tooma, New South Wales. III. B. 19.
WHITTLE Clarence Roy

william leslie PURKISS
Lieutenant Edward Arthur WINTER

WOOD Henry

To be continued
